Coyotes on the hunt |
Lying in wait |
At the end of the day that revealed very little bird photo ops, I was still going on about the coyotes. The birders thought I was crazy. But, those who know me, know my passion for all things dog family, from the majestic wolf on down to man's best friend.
Strategizing |
If you decide to attend Winter Wings nest year, dress warmly for the snowy landscape. I learned the meaning of cold. Invest in a good pair of insulated boots, gloves, hat and bring packets of hand and foot warmers.
For more information on saving our wild things:
Defenders of Wildlife,
NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council,
Wolves & Coyotes environmental impact,
SAVE Wolves under Congressional siege
Humane Society: Help outlaw the poisoning of coyotes & wildlifeHelp
Help Ban Compound 1080
The Case Against Poisoning Our Wildlife